JUMP TOSuperPath APICategoriesList categoriesgetRetrieve an categorygetContentCreate contentpostRetrieve contentgetUpdate contentputDelete contentdeleteEventsList eventsgetCreate a new eventpostRetrieve an eventgetUpdate an eventputDelete an eventdeleteFormsList formsgetCreate a new formpostRetrieve a formgetUpdate an formputDelete a formdeleteList responses for a formgetCreate a new questionpostList questions for a form or other entitygetRetrieve a questiongetUpdate a questionputDelete a questiondeleteCreate a new responsepostList responses for a form/entitygetRetrieve a responsegetUpdate a responseputDelete a responsedeleteUsersInvite user to SuperPathpostList usersgetCreate a new userpostRetrieve a usergetUpdate a userputDelete a userdeleteList users learningsgetGamificationList users pointsgetList users pointsgetList users pointsgetSearchContent searchgetTeams searchgetUser searchgetskillsList skillsgetCreate a new skillpostUpdate a skillputDelete a skilldeleteTeamsList teamsgetCreate a new teampostRetrieve an teamgetUpdate an teamputDelete an teamdeleteList users in a teamgetList a users teamsgetCreate a user teampostUpdate an user teamputDelete a user teamdeletePowered by Create a new responsepost https://api.superpath.io/responsesCreate a new response to a question